Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Here is Madeline wearing the new outfit sent by Aunty Pat. It's the perfect fit. she loves the DVD as well. Madeline is now 2 years old. She eats a lot which keeps mum happy, she loves to smile and she is a happy little girl. Madeline will start Kindergarten next month. Posted by Picasa


Here is Larissa with all the presents Aunty Pat sent she is desparate to get at the nail's set but I have told her to wait until Saturday. As you can see all of the cloathes fit perfectly and from the broad smile you can see that she likes them. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Disneyland Trip No 2

Posted by Picasa On Sunday we visited Disneyland. Here is ?. I know the picture is blurred but I didn't take it. Larissa dressed as Princess and Madeline as Tinkerbell.

Friday, October 14, 2005

After dinner

A Smile before bedtime from Bianca and Madeline

Thursday, October 13, 2005

The view from my window

Hazy afternoon in Hong Kong
The view from my window

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The seated Boxers

Posted by Picasa Barry invited the guys out for a charity boxing smoker. You would not want to meet this lot on a dark corner.